ALL TOOLS - ...and code snippets
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LATEST UPDATE: 5/14/2024, 12:56:30 PM

A Directory

+++ APPS +++

- CK-Editor with additional functions

- CK-Editor with legacy processing functions (keepsake - and library)

+++ TOOLS +++

ACE - JS Code Editor
- web-based code editor with HTML preview and useful functions

ASCII-Code and HTML-Entities
- Three look-up tables

App Helper
- Application template builder, based on database fields
- Requires MeekroDB framework

App Helper - UI
- Application front-end template builder
- Requires Semantic-UI framework (

Batch Link Opener
- like link checker tool, but in tabs

- the way a calculator SHOULD be... - enter formula, edit formula, extend formula

Caseworker (feat. Nameflip)
- change text case by pasting, UPPER CASE, lower case, Title Case;  featuring "Name Flip" - "Flip, Name"

- displays single, pasted (invisible or not) character ASCII-value

- perform various HTML/RT text cleanup operations, like targeted style removal, link removal, list clean-up, etc.

Consultation Template
- sample custom consultation, editable and navigable, automated questionnaire, providing answer patterns based on question option selections

Enumerate List
-add line numbers to text lists

- copy plain text segments with one click

ClickCopy - RichText Edition
- copy simple preformatted rich-text segments with one click

Code Cleaner
- instant text removal and/or replacement tool with visual viewer

Code Occurrence Helper
- isolate lines of occurring text for manual, thorough replacements, reducing oversights

Countdown Timer
- large display countdown clock with audible gong and disruptor

Directory File List
- list all files of a selected local folder
- batch editing option
- features line-by-line auto-copy

Distribution Email
- prepares pre-defined emails for quick recall (e.g. reminders)

Divide and Conquer
- list processor and (re)organizer
- extracts targeted information
- re-assembles info in spreadsheet

- assembles rich-text documents from rich-text snippets and segments
- list distribution feature

- create up to three versions of side-by-side documents/postings with quick-copy templates

- edit rich-text and source code simultaneously

Dual Split View
- see two web pages side-by side, for comparison

Dual Panel
- edit two texts at the same time

- advanced duplicate finder

- chat-bot (1966)

Email List Info Extractor
- isolate information out of email lists, like email addresses and names

Email Trailer Trash
- isolate essential information out of lengthy email trails and conversations

Exercise Timer
- alternates intervals of exercise and rest breaks - large display and audible metronome

- auto-removal of header and footer segments

Filename Fix
- Replace underscores, spaces, %20s with dashes, remove URL segments and querystrings, generate uniform filename

- advanced search and replace function, find-in-between, distribution, variable-value-placement

Form Generator
- generate custom internal questionnaire or request forms, producing pre-formatted emails

Form Generator II
- generate custom forms, based on form images as background

Form Feed
- two-lined label-value pair instant click-copy

Generative Fill
- primitive but effective stitch-filler to resize image canvas without cropping or distorting original

Grid Copy
- generate single-click-copy field values in a grid-pattern

Header and Footer Removal
- auto-removal of header and footer segments

Icon Maker
- create simple custom icons

Image Resizer
- resize and crop images

Image Resizer Plus
- resize, crop, adjust images, produce PDF files from images

Image Tiler
- tile high-quality images for poster printing

Instant Custom Replace
- instantly replaces requested text sequences throughout
- pre-prgrammable, instantiable

Line Feed
- work off item list one-by-one with auto-copy

Link Checker
- copy/paste page or segment to check link validity (posting integrity check)

Link Checker - Link List Edition
- check simple list of text-links (web addresses) to check validity

List and Found
- paste quick-searchable list
- list auto-stored locally and sharable by email

List Batch Processor
- transform and/or process lists
- occurrence removal / occurrence retention
- advanced sorting

List Concatenate
- create compund lists from lists, e.g. enumeration

List Disassembler
- split lists into segments for easier copying

List Disassembler +
- split lists into segments for easier copying - improved version

Optical Character Recognition
- convert text images (e.g. screenshots) to editable text

Outlook Email Link Cleaner
- extracts source link information from Outlook spam protection service

- prognoses decline on Personal Activity Intelligence index - yeah, do research, it's good for you.

Page Check Window Opener
- opens URLs in separate tabs, to batch-check availability and function

Password Generator
- Oh no, not another one... - but this one is actually simple, usable(!) and strong. Stores password locally, yay, Sticky Note 2023 Edition!

Phone and Map Link
- creates consistent links from phone numbers and map locations

Photo Improve
- adds contrast and saturation to images

Pico Pad
- simple persistent note-pad

- to-do list, checklist, micro task manager, stores status locally, prefillable

QR Code Generator
- simple real-time QR-Codes, direct download

Quick Meme
- create simple image meme quickly

Quick Note
- create rich-text notes, e.g. with screenshots

Quick Overlay
- create two-image overlay/inlay composition quickly

Quick Stitch
- stitch (join) images by resizing and dragging them

Ratio Calculator
- calculates and applies ratios, e.g. for image resizing

Redirect/Dynamic Update Builder
- calculates and applies ratios, e.g. for image resizing

Sample Ballot Planner
- create cheat sheet for elections

- build schedule with buttons, instead of typing

- creates search engine links for entered terms

- creates search URL, based on current location for copying and reporting through other media, location reporting tool

Self-Template RT
- creates fillable templates - Rich Text Edition

- creates fillable templates

Source Code Helper
- breaks HTML/RT source code at closing HTML angle brackets, for easier reading/editing

Special Characters and Email Links
- displays special characters for quick copying, generate mail-to email links

Speech To Text
- simple dictation tool

- persistent spreadsheet-like notes and statistics

- creates processible lists from tables

- text quick-fixes by click and selection

- converts text-tables (or lists) to rich-text tables

- Lists text occurrences in Rich Text / HTML

Text Splitter
- highlight text occurrences, split manually or automatically, copy line-by-line

Text To Speech
- reads entered text out loud, e.g. for proofing

Ticket Assignment Search
- Work-related, suggests IT divisions and contacts based on key terms

- Basic tool elements as template

- utility tool, to prefill accessible tool fields and create custom instances

- transposes items from a source list to a target list ("find in-between / replace in-between")

Unit Converter
- common unit conversion - without the usual advertisement


- blank template for code notes, feat. code click-copy

AJAX Form Submission
- form-submission without page reload

Click To Copy
- add double-click to copy feature to tools for easy output handling

CSS Image Animation
- subtle animation of illustration images, to avoid 'static' appearance

CSS Notes
- expandable content
- hover-highlight
- bullets
- banners
- flex-box wrapper

Display Calendar, Small
- allows simultaneous highlighting of up to 5 dates

Event Calendar Grid, Static, JS Feed
- simple and flexible event calendar in grid format, event feed from JS array

- have designated content show up boxed in the middle of the screen, with the rest of the screen shaded

PHP Server-Side Secure Login
- encrypts password before submission, therefore secure without secure connection (SSL)




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